Too easy to judge!

Megha Gajbhiye
3 min readJan 29, 2022

I still remember the day when I would read in the newspapers about kids and people, in general, committing suicides over petty things. And the first thought that I would get is that is this such a big issue, that the person couldn’t bear it anymore and committed suicide. And then, those were things so difficult that a person could not handle such an amount of grief! I still remember the day when there was a seminar conducted in our school wherein a spiritual leader had come to the school and he made us all take an oath to never commit suicide. I still remember how vague it did sound to me at that point in time, I was like we are never going to do that or even think about committing suicide.

Fast forward to today where I have not faced a lot of obstacles…duh.. but still have my battles wherein I even think at times that it really could have been easier if we just could cease all of this pain and stop fighting because it just appears very useless. I still get the song that you know in the end it really won’t matter. So what are we even trying to get out of ourselves? Beating ourselves to be better and figuring out all the imperfections, being ashamed of our true feelings, feeling not good enough and a whole plethora of insignificant thoughts that really won’t matter, you know!

When I try to make sense I get all messed up….but I have found a way and that is to keep a track of my feelings and be constantly vocal about them. To have a routine and to be constantly in sync with Mahadev. It just gives a better direction to my life and helps me to keep my life’s journey on track. Being grateful for my bread, sun, water, and every small thing I guess helps me to assign meaning to my life. But the most important has been to be kind to other people in my life.. because what I have understood is that we all are fighting our own battles in this world and it would be completely foolish if I would ever try to discourage somebody or just criticize someone very harshly. It just is something that I think is the most missing in our lives because we have become so ambitious and selfish that we have completely forgotten about others. Humans require each other’s support to live and I guess I make a difference every day by just being kind!

And I would urge everyone to be kind to be happy and supportive of others and not to bring them down, we never know how much our behavior and words might affect the other person. So yeah coming to the suicidal thoughts, I think that it is really good to see professional help and to be open about them and not to hush them away in your mind. It is just completely normal and okay, do not let it become a very big issue that cannot be tackled or that you are alone in this…no you are not. And remember that there isn’t anything that cannot be solved and time heals almost everything! Be kind and grateful. And remember if you cannot gift roses do not gift them thorns too!



Megha Gajbhiye